Common Causes of Spinal Cord Injury

According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center (NSCISC), vehicular accidents rank as the number one cause of spinal cord injuries, accounting for 39%. Falls are the second most common cause, and acts of violence ranked in at number three. Each of these categories encompass a wide range of accidents. Vehicular accidents include bicycles, motorcycles, and even snowmobiles. Falls include recreational falls, slipping in a shower, and intentional self-harm.

spinal cord injury typically involves a traumatic blow to the spine, which damages the vertebrae, causing either displaced bone fragments, ligaments, or disc material to bruise and tear into the spinal cord. Damage such as this usually destroys nerve cells that carry signals, which allow the brain and body to communicate. Severe spinal cord injury can lead to total paralysis. However, not all spinal cord injuries result in the complete loss of these cells. These are referred to as incomplete spinal cord injuries. Individuals with incomplete spinal cord injuries do not experience a complete loss of sensory and motor function.

Some common symptoms of a spinal cord injury include inability to move limbs, loss of control of either the bladder or bowels, numbness or tingling in the extremities, and pain or stiffness in the back or along the neck.

Spinal cord injuries are often preventable since they are largely the result of an accident. This type of injury has lifelong effects, some of which may lead to the necessity for a full time caregiver. It is an injury that is not only beyond devastating for the victim, but for their loved ones as well.

The Denver Trial Lawyers ® has a track record of success and a reputation for fighting for the rights and needs of our clients. In fact, we hold records for several settlements and verdicts in the state of Colorado, with a total of $300 million recovered to date. Your case deserves to be in capable hands. Call (303) 647-9990 to speak with a Denver spinal cord injury lawyer today.
