Clergy Member holding a large crucifix.

Why is Clergy Sexual Abuse so Prevalent?

Clergy Sexual Abuse is a Serious Problem

Clergy sexual abuse is a serious problem that has been hushed for many years and has negatively impacted too many people. There are many reasons why this type of abuse runs rampant among the clergy. From the perpetrator’s position of power, the culture of silence within the clergy, and the vulnerability of victims, we take an in-depth look at why clergy sexual abuse continues to happen in light of the media attention it has gained in recent years.

Abusers Take Advantage of Their Position

One of the reasons why clergy sexual abuse is so prevalent is because the perpetrators often have a position of power and authority over their victims, making it easy for perpetrators to carry out the abuse under the radar. This can make it difficult for survivors to come forward and report the abuse. Additionally, abusers may use their position to intimidate or coerce their victims into remaining silent.

There is a Culture of Silence Among the Clergy

Clergy sexual abuse may also be perpetuated by a culture of silence or denial within the clergy’s community that allows abusers to operate without fear of consequence. This culture may be because the perpetrators are often in positions of power and authority. Additionally, clergy members who know of or are witnesses to the abuse of others may turn a blind eye and hesitate to speak out because they do not want to damage the church’s reputation.

Perpetrators Often Target the Vulnerable

Sadly, perpetrators often target vulnerable individuals, such as those going through a difficult time in their life. They may also target children or adults with emotional problems. This can make it challenging for survivors to speak out and seek help.

The Barriers That Keep Many Survivors From Coming Forward

Many survivors suffer from shame and self-blame as well as fear of victim-blaming. If you or someone you know has been affected by clergy sexual abuse, it is essential to seek help from a qualified mental health professional. Additionally, many organizations provide support and resources for survivors of clergy sexual abuse including the following organizations:

Related Article: Is My Privacy Protected in a Clergy Sexual Abuse Case?

Contact Our Clergy Sexual Abuse Lawyers For Help Today

Clergy sexual abuse is a severe problem that affects many people. The perpetrators often have a position of power and authority, making it difficult for survivors to come forward. Additionally, there may be a culture of silence or denial within the clergy that allows abusers to operate without fear of consequence. If you or someone you know is a survivor of clergy sexual abuse, we are here to help hold them accountable for their heinous actions.

At Denver Trial Lawyers®, we provide completely confidential consultations. Please don’t hesitate to contact us at (303) 647-9990.
